Thursday, 31 March 2016

Maintain that luscious fair skin from the sun

It’s been a long weekend and the sun had no chills! Why use concealers to hide dark knuckles and spots when sweat will wash them off ina minute? Imagine going to an eventwith make-up running down your face from different angles? Imagine the heat burning your skin and making you uncomfortable and sore? Ooops! Bounce back to that glowing, spotless fair skin that needs no cover.

Lighten your skin with strong natural ingredients from the Mecran Beauty set. The Mecran beauty set contains a SERUM rich in carrot oil, argan oil and SPF 60, all guaranteed to ensure that fair skin within days and protect you from the harsh ultra violet rays of the sun!

The LOTIONfades dark spots, lightens the knuckles and clears blemishes instantly. The SOAPcontains cooling properties that give your skin a refreshing feel immediately after a bath. Hot weather? NO WORRIES! The Mecran Skin-Lightening Beauty Set is available for purchase!

NATIONWIDE PAY ON DELIVERY OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE! Visit or contact our experts for consultation, or to place your orders; CALL/WHATAPP: 09085663779, 09085663793, 09085663763, 09085663774

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