Monday, 9 May 2016

Nigerian US Based Filmmaker Ose Oyamendan releases “Oh-BAMA” Satirical Web Series on President Obama

Oh-BAMA” is a six-part satirical comedy web series that unravels Obama’s Kenyan mystery.It is witty, well-paced, successfully crosses over between two cultures and continents and incredibly well timed to be a major hit in the dramatic 2016 American presidential elections season.

The Director, Osa Oyamendan, is a Hollywood based, Nigerian-born filmmaker who is a graduate of the film program at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles and used to work in the center of American politics on Capitol Hills in Washington DC.
He says, “I first thought of the series four years ago but felt there are people out there who would actually believe a show like this is factually correct. We decided since Obama is not running for office again, we should go for it. Interestingly, our lead detective is called Donald John. And, you know who the other Donald John is? Yes, Donald J. Trump!”
In the series, Detective Donald John (Jason Corder), America’s #1 right wing private detective goes to Kenyato dig out all of Obama’s Kenyan secrets. He arrives in Nairobi full of Southern swagger, self-righteousness and right wing scorn.
The series was filmed in Nairobi, with a couple of scenes filmed in Los Angeles. It also stars some of Africa’s leading stars like Nini Wacera (The White Masai; Desperate Housewives of Africa); Chichi Seii (Sense8) and one of Africa’s top models, Ajuma Nesanyana.
Watch the episodes below.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

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