Friday 26 August 2016

Lol... This Teen Billionaire Gives It Back To The World HARD...

Lol, when you have a spoilt brother. He claims he is a billioanire and jealousy is a MENTAL CANCER. Oh dear! All these rude kids, lol.

The teen “billionaire” whose goldplated Maserati was impounded for having no insurance has told how he’ll “just learn to drive in a Rolls-Royce”.

Self-proclaimed “golden child” of his family Hamza Sheikh claims he was uninsured because of his “busy lifestyle” as “running a property business while studying is not easy”.

Sheikh, 19, said the loss of his flashy £100,000 motor wasn’t a problem because he has a fleet worth more than £1million.

The youngster has said everything he has is because of his “mother’s prayers” and “jealousy is a mental cancer, please get treated.”

Sheikh’s Maserati GranCabrio had L-plates on it when cops in north Kingston pulled him over last week.

The teen, who claims to be a billionaire, had to pay £500 to get his car back. He could now be summoned to court where he would face a £300 fine and six points on his licence.

The teenager, from Mayfair, London, told the Standard: “I have a Rolls-Royce and a Range Rover. I am just waiting for my new gold Lamborghini to be delivered in the meantime.

“Since I was young I have been learning to drive in supercars — I’ve also learnt in a Porsche Panamera, so a Maserati is a piece of cake.”

Cops have since confirmed they pulled Mr Sheikh over because his goldplated convertible supercar seemed quite extravagant for a learner.

Mr Sheikh, originally from Pakistan, is a business management student at Regent’s University and a property developer.

He added: “No Maserati, I’ll just learn to drive in a Rolls-Royce with insurance.

“I was informed by my staff that the police were watching my car for more than an hour. I have security with me wherever I go and I’m very happy that I’ve got my car back, but I was not without a car — I drove my Rolls-Royce with my security.

“I am the golden child of my family, that’s why my car is gold. I was just coming from completing my theory test when I was stopped.

“I have a busy lifestyle and running a property business while studying is not easy. I missed a letter from my insurance company requesting key information which I was unaware of, so they were unable to effectively update their records.

“This was the reason for the error.”

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