Wednesday 3 August 2016

Woman Whom Tesco Worker Used The F Word On Her 4-Year Old Son Lodges Formal Complaint

A furious mother has slammed Tesco after she claimed one of their staff told her four-year-old son not to 'take the f****** p***'.

Lizzy Groombridge Byrne, 22, was shopping her local store in Camborne, Cornwall, on Monday afternoon when her son Rhuben picked up a free banana from the firm's Free Fruit For Kids table.

As she turned her back, Rhuben - known as 'Roo' - then reached out to the pieces of apple, oranges and pineapple laid out on the display.

The supermarket has rolled out the scheme at stores across the country to encourage children to enjoy a healthy snack - but it is supposed to be one piece of fruit per child.

The mother-of-two, who has a one-year-old son called Logan, said: 'I turned round to look at the sandwiches and heard a senior male member of staff say to my son "Uh hum, don't take the f*****g p***, it's one'.

'He swore at my son because he'd picked up an extra piece of fruit, but he's only a small child, for goodness sake, and it was hardly the crime of the century.

'I was disgusted at him using language like that to my son.

'I was left feeling embarrassed in front of everyone, and my son was upset at being told off by someone who had no right to do so.

'To swear was just one step further.

'There would have been better ways to have addressed the situation and as a manager I'd assume he knows policies when dealing with customers.

'My child had taken another piece of fruit and yes, I agree it should be one per child, but there are better ways to speak to people, especially children.

'It's a little stall with a free fruit sign and he recognised it from other stores. 

'He usually gets two pieces of fruit, one for him and one for his brother and they share. 

'I wouldn't mind if [the Tesco employee] said "it's only per child to save some for the other hungry

'I said to him "how dare you speak to him like that". He just walked off. Some of the other customers agreed that what he'd said wasn't on.

'I just want an apology.'

Miss Groombridge Byrne has lodged a formal complaint and vowed not to shop at Tesco again.

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