Sunday 27 November 2016

Bishop Emmanuel Esezebor fires back at his detractors, says the Church is marching on

He speaks about the rumour that a member died in the church while attempting to perform miracle after paying the man to act. Bishop Emmanuel Esezobor says the devil is using some people to spread lies against him because the ministry is waxing stronger than expected.
Here is his full text:

My name is Bishop Dr. Emmanuel Esezobor, President; fire House Church International, Nyanya-Abuja. It is a story that would soon pass away. We have not had a murder case in the Fire House Alter and all the branches we haven’t had a murder case for five years we don’t know where they are getting their stories from these are cheap talkers who are looking for popularity. God be praised. 
We preach Jesus we don’t preach self it has been Jesus all the way and he said if his name is lifted up he will claim souls. It has always been about souls, souls, and souls. All our sons, daughters, friends relations believe in our vision and have been praying with us and sending us best wishes and we are at home enjoying Christ and waiting for our evening service today. We have not held any crusade at the only Abuja stadium as the said rumour claimed we are only planning to hold one next year February, 15th 2017, when we will storm the National Stadium for healing service and I want everyone to be there to see the power and glory of God at work. 
When I read the fake and cooked story I started speaking in tongues because the devil is out to propagate God and celebrates Jesus. We also heard how they said a trader whom they claimed I paid to act for me and in the process he died. Who then was the trader? Who are his relations? Which police station they took to? Which cell I was detained? All these are questions begging for an answer. 
Challenges have made me a champion and I see it as a stepping stones to greater things. Healing is real and I preach it, the Bible says “I shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I have seen God do mighty things in righteousness and this is a big motivation coming at the end of the year making us more sensitive and prayerful. We know that the devil is after the body of Christ and I pray for all the pastors to go back to their p

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