Today is the most exciting day of my life. Today I Become ❤️... I hereby introduce you to #OnBecoming. At the beginning of last year (2015) when the lord told me I was going to write a book I was confused. Is it God's voice, is it mine???? How will this work? I never planned to write a book, what I'm I supposed to write. I did what I had become used to, I ran. Just Like Jonah; I ran. I pushed it deep down and completely let it go. And then it began, God started sending people to me. Continue...
Every time someone told me they thought I should write a book, I remembered my conversation with God in January but I was still unsure. (Fear maybe), I felt the idea was great but deep down I was not fully convinced. Then came June and my world fell apart. My world was crushed completely and in all of the pain I heard it again. This time, I knew what happened to me happened for a reason. I am a city set on a hill. My life will reflect God's glory. I have been giving a platform to share and God was going to use my pain. In the pain there was a message and On Becoming was conceived.
On Becoming is My journey through pain to victory. I have Become and it is my prayer that God does what he planned from the start with this project. I can't wait to put "author" in my bio. I wrote a book ya'll. I did it 💯💯💯💯💯
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