Monday, 26 December 2016

'Funke Akindele I reverse any negative prophesy over your life in the name of Jesus!' - Freeze responds to negative prediction

After Nigerian prophet's negative prediction on actress Funke Akindele, OAP Freeze took to his page to say an open prayer for her to reverse the negative prophecy. He wrote:

"I reverse any negative prophesy over your life in the name of Jesus! You will enjoy your marriage and it will be fruitful in every aspect. You married your best friend and nothing, I repeat NOTHING, will ruin that friendship or relationship in the mighty name of JESUS!
I nullify any proclamation against you or your marriage with the blood of JESUS.
In a few months there will be the cry of a healthy child in your arms and joy, success and love will continue to be your portion always.
Please my dear, hold on to this prophesy and ignore any other one. ~FRZ"

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