Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Instagram Handle Throws Tonto Dikeh And Lilian Esoro Epic Advice.

Instagram user offers unsolicited advice to Tonto Dike and Lillian Esoro and the comment section catch fire!...GBAM.

Face the live action
Dear nollywood actress, stop living the life of movies and face the true challenges of marriage. It is only in movies you will see where marriage has a rough beginnings and a smooth ends, or a smooth beginnings and a rough ends, and it is so simply because the producers/directors of the movies wants to sell their movies.

Start living your own life and stop selling cheap stories to the bloggers. By this, I mean stop giving the bloggers the opportunity to sneak into your life. Bloggers will do your marriage no good than to crash it.

In real life, there are so many sides to marriage but the best factor to make it last is ENDURANCE. Stop listening to fake advice that “IF HE STOPS CARING, THEN IT`S TIME FOR YOU TO WALK AWAY” No my dear sisters, our mothers stood strongly when our fathers tormented them, they fought prayerfully to brought back the love and care, and that was why they were able to raise us together as parents

I am not supporting the cheating and bad sides of men. As a matter of fact, it is disrespectful in the marriage but my sisters the only way you can make your kids proud of you when they grow is when the realized that his mother had enough reasons to leave his father but she didn`t JUST BECAUSE OF HIM.

Real live is different from a movies where you have “Cut....Action”
In your marriage journey, be your own Actor, be your own producer and be your own director so that your kids will not become someone else`s STEP CHILDREN.

Typed as seen on the page., including the errors.

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